Can Christian Do Energy Healing?

Can Christian Do Energy Healing?
Lucas Pezeta
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Can Christian Do Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a controversial topic, with some people claimingit's awesome and others warning it's dangerous. So can Christians doenergy healing?

Let's start with looking at what energy healing is. In general, it'sworking with the energy field that surrounds and permeates the humanbody. This energy field is also known as the aura. Energy healers usetheir hands to help clear blockages in the energy field and promotehealing.

Some people believe that everyone has the ability to do energy healing,while others believe that only certain people have this ability. Thereisn't really a right or wrong answer here. It's more about what youbelieve. If you believe that you can do energy healing, then you probablycan.

Now, let's talk about whether or not Christians can do energy healing.There are a lot of different opinions on this subject. Some peoplebelieve that Christians shouldn't do energy healing because it's NewAge and therefore pagan. Others believe that Christians can do energyhealing as long as they are properly trained and understand what theyare doing.

So what's the right answer? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Itreally depends on what you believe as a Christian. If you are comfortablewith the idea of energy healing and feel called to do it, then there is no reason why you shouldn't. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea of energy healing, then you should probably avoid it.

Bottom line, if you are a Christian and are considering doing energy healing, prayerfully seek God's guidance. He will make it clear to you whether or not this is something you should pursue.