What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Energy Healing?

What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Energy Healing?

What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Energy Healing?

Reiki involves the use of "universal life energy" to promote healing, while energy healing is a broader category that can encompass many different techniques and modalities. Energy healing may work with the body's subtle energy fields to help release blockages and encourage balance and harmony.

Both reiki and energy healing can be used for physical, mental, and emotional healing. They are sometimes used together to complement each other. Some people may find one technique more effective than the other, or they may prefer to use both depending on their needs.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that specifically uses the energy of the practitioner to heal the recipient. Energy healing, on the other hand, can be done in a variety of ways and does not always require the use of the practitioner energy. Energy healing can be done using crystals, sound, points on the body, ormerely intention. While Reiki is always done with the intention to heal, energy healing can also be done for other purposes such as manifesting or protection.